
BlindQuest is a little Dungeon Crawler in which a sharp eye is much cumbersome compared to a keen ear.

What ?!?

Slay, delve, loot... But beware ruffian! Listen carefully and you will dodge numerous dangers and, eventually, shall be granted treasures and glory.
You must also be aware that you are scared to death as soon as you touch water.
Grab your helmet, close your eyes and bon voyage !

Keyboard/Magic ?

<^>` Move around
E Attack during figths
H Show/Hide help message
P Pause/Continue the game
F Enable/Disable fullscreen
S Save your progression
C Load a savefile
ECHAP Quit the game


Feel free to share this game and its content as much as you want, as long as it is free of charge, unchanged and includes our names. Find us on the next slide to share your thoughts.

Licence Creative Commons BlindQuest de CARON, GOÑI, TAUPIAC est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International .

Who made it ?


Pourquoi ?

BlindQuest was designed during spring 2015 for a coding project at the ENIB (École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest). We wanted to create a game beyond usual adventures with a unique gameplay.
Bonus, even blind people can play!